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Saturday 2 July 2016

What is program development process|Defining & Analysis|Designing|Coding etc.

Program development process

To develop a computer program, a programmer has to go through the following stages.
·         Defining and Analyzing the problem
·         Designing the Algorithm
·         Coding or writing the program
·         Testing the program
·         Making final documentation
Let see the above stages in detail

Friday 1 July 2016

What is Flowchart|Flowchart symbols|Limitations|Guidelines |Examples

Definition of Flowchart
Flowchart is the combination of two words which are ‘Flow’ and ‘Chart’. A charts consists of different symbols which display the information about any program and Flow indicates the direction of processing that information which takes place in a program.
Flowchart is the graphical representation of an algorithm. It indicates a way of visually presenting the flow of data, operations which are performed on that data and sequence of these operations. Flowchart is similar as layout plan of a building. As a designer of buildings draws a layout plan of the building before constructing it similarly a programmer designs the flowchart of a program before writing that program. It is designed according to defined rules and principles.
Symbols of Flowchart
Following are the symbols which are used to design a Flowchart:

Algorithm|Algorithm Properties|Advantages|Analysis


An algorithm is a step by step procedure to solve a problem. Steps of an algorithm are often called instructions. Process of solving any problem becomes easier with the use of Algorithm. It is better for programmer to write algorithm before writing actual computer program. Algorithms are used for calculations and data processing.

Informal definition:

An ordered sequence of instructions that is guaranteed to solve a specific problem is called algorithm.

Properties of Algorithm

Some basic properties of an algorithm are following:

Wednesday 29 June 2016

What is program and computer programs and their advantages and disadvantages?

Big Program


A program is a set of instruction that tells a computer what to do. Program is a detail process which commands to computer that how to process data to get information. Person who make program is called programmer. Programmer uses programming languages to make or write any program.

Computer Program

Computer Program in the form of a human-readable, computer programming language is called source code. Source code can be converted into an executable image by a compiled or executed immediately with the aid of an interpreter.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

What is problem solving and problem solving techniques

Problem Solving:
Problem Solving

                                           Problem solving is a process to identify a problem and finding the best solution for that problem.

Problem solving is a skill that can be developed by following a well organized approach.  In daily life, we face different types of problems and try to solve them with easy method.Different tools, strategies and techniques are used to solve a problem. Computers are used as a tool to solve complex problems by using computer programs.

Problem solving techniques are following:

Sunday 26 June 2016

What is constructor in c++,default and argument constructor

Constructer without any argument (default constructor).
       Let name of class is “list” and “size” and “fill” are two data members(variables) and "arr" is array  in a class then constructor without argument will be                                                           
list :: list()
 {             size=10;
arr=new int [size];
Here we give values to size=10, and fill=-1, this is a default constructer,
Constructer with one parameter.
Let name of class is “list” and “size” and “fill” are two data members (variables) and "arr" is array in a class then constructor with one argument will be
list :: list(int num)
 {            size=num;

Saturday 25 June 2016

C++ project on hostel management

In this project, basic information about a particular hostel is provided which is about mess system,prayer system, jim system and rules and regulations. Moreover any new coming student can fill his application form to take a room in the hostel with his challan form.

using namespace std;
class hostel
            int x;
            void check()