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Saturday, 25 June 2016

C++ project on hostel management

In this project, basic information about a particular hostel is provided which is about mess system,prayer system, jim system and rules and regulations. Moreover any new coming student can fill his application form to take a room in the hostel with his challan form.

using namespace std;
class hostel
            int x;
            void check()
                                    cout << "HOSTEL INFORMATION" << endl;
                                    int h;
                                    cout << "Press 1 for Mess system" << endl;
                                    cout << "Press 2 for Jim system" << endl;
                                    cout << "Press 3 for Prayer system" << endl;
                                    cout << "Press 4 for rule and regulation system" << endl;
                                    cin >> h;
                                    switch (h)
                                    case 1:
                        cout << "Our Monthly charges is 3000 Rupees and there are meal in 1st 3 days" << endl;
                        cout << "4th day we served vegetable with sweet dish & 5,6th day served rice" << endl;
                        cout << "On Sunday we served boil food" << endl;
                                    case 2:
cout << "We have bench press Dumb Bells Smith Machine Leg Press machine Abduction machine" << endl;
 cout << "Also Foam Roller and stability ball" << endl;
  break;            }
                                    case 3:
cout << "We all are Muslim... There is a our own Mosque in Hostel and we appented a Molvi who" << endl;
  cout << "offered prayers five time a day ragularlly... So, there is no worried about Prayers" << endl;
case 4:
  cout << "          RULE & REGULATION  " << endl;
 cout << "1 : No ceagrat allowed in hostel.." << endl;
cout << "2 : Facilaty of generater is available and it will continous 5PM every Day.." << endl;
cout << "3 : The gate will be closed about 10:30 PM and open 6:00 AM every Day.." << endl;
 cout << "4 : Outsider are not allowed in hostel in night only friends are allowed in Exame night.. " << endl;
cout << "5 : Family member can stay in Hostel only 2 days otherwise it will be charged.." << endl;
                                    cout << endl;
                                    cout << endl;
                                    cout << "Do you want to see the Information again" << endl;
                                    cout << "Then Press 1" << endl;
                                    cout << "If you satisfy and want to go Application form then Press any number" << endl;
                                    cin >> x;
                        } while (x == 1);
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "      ************************"<
                        cout << "The rent of the room is 2500 per head " << endl;
                        cout << "      ************************";
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "Please wait....."<
class student
            string name, name1, adress;
            float age;
            string phone;
            void info()
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "                          Wellcome to the Student Data            " << endl;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "                            Hostel Application Form               " << endl;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "Please enter your Name without space" << endl;
                        cin >> name;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "Enter your age " << endl;
                        cin >> age;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "Enter Your Adress without space " << endl;
                        cin >> adress;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "Enter your Father Name without space " << endl;
                        cin >> name1;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "Enter Your Phone Number " << endl;
                        cin >> phone;
                        cout << endl;
            void show()
                        cout << "Please wait...." << endl;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "The Application form has been filled." << endl;
                        cout << "      Your Provided data is     " << endl;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "Your Name :  " << name << endl;
                        cout << "Your Age :  " << age << endl;
                        cout << "Your Father Name  :  " << name1 << endl;
                        cout << "Your Adress  :  " << adress << endl;
                        cout << "Your Phone Number  :  " << phone << endl;
class challan
            string name, name1, adress, cnic;
            string phone;
            int room=2500;
            void info()
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "[[[[now plz fill your challan form]]]]" << endl;
                        string name, name1, cnic;
                        cout << "enter your name:" << endl;
                        cin >> name;
                        cout << "enter your father name:" << endl;
                        cin >> name1;
                        cout << "enter your cnic" << endl;
                        cin >> cnic;
                        cout << "_________________________________________________________________" << endl;
                        cout << "|enter your name: [" << name << "]                                     " << endl;
                        cout << "|enter your father name: [" << name1 << "]                              " << endl;
                        cout << "|enter  your  cnic:[" << cnic << "]                                     " << endl;
                        cout << "|enter your phone no:[" << phone << "]                                     " << endl;
                        cout << "| Room Charges 2500/_                                                              " << endl;
                        cout << "|                                                               " << endl;
                        cout << "|                                                               " << endl;
                        cout << "|                                                               " << endl;
                        cout << "|                                                               " << endl;
                        cout << "| ______________________________________________________________" << endl;

void main()
            system("color 1c");
            hostel obj;
            student obj1;
            challan obj2;


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