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Monday 29 February 2016

What is OOP(Object Oriented Programing) in computer Language

What is OOP?
                            Object oriented programming(OOP)  is a fairly new way to approach the task of programming. It supersedes the so called procedural or structured programming languages like Algol, Pascal or C, that have been around since the 1960s. In short, it is the latest version of C. The essence of structured programming is to
reduce a program into smaller parts and then code these elements more or less independently from each other.

Although structured programming has yielded excellent results when applied to moderately complex programs, it fails when a program reaches a certain size. To allow for more complex programs to be written, the new approach of OOP was invented.
All OOP languages, including C++, share the following three capabilities:


                                   The ability to define a new type and a set of operations on that type, without revealing the representation of the type.

 Inheritance :
                               The ability to create new types that inherit properties from existing types.


                         The ability to use one name for two or more related but technically different purposes; “one interface, multiple methods."